Join the RREC Wessex Section
To join the RREC Wessex Section you must first be a member of our parent the Rolls-Royce Enthusiasts' Club. You can join the RREC at .
There is no fixed membership or subscription fee:
- Everyone registering or renewing will receive Section news and event information via our emailed All Torque newsletter. And you will also be able to catch-up with Torque magazine online via email or on the website.
- You will receive four quarterly printed editions of our new larger and improved Torque magazine posted through your door.
- Wessex Section event information is sent by regular emails, and details can always be viewed on our website at
- You’ll find lots of other useful information on our website as well as contact details of committee members
Donations and Payments
If you appreciate what we do at Wessex Section you can make a donation at any time,
We prefer you to donate or pay for things via Bank Transfer. Exceptionally for other payment methods please always contact:
Our bank details are:
Bank: HSBC
Account name: RREC Wessex Section
Sort code: 40-30-36
Account number: 01564099
Please include your name in the payment description.